2.5 weeks are spent preparing for and being at VBS. That is much better than having nothing to do and trying to keep kids entertained in the ridiculous heat. Especially because a large part of VBS is air conditioned, and this year, the hospitality team had iced coffee 8 out of 10 days for the volunteers. (one day they had horchata, which was also good. Oh, and a cucumber lemonade on the last day. Yum!)
I was so busy having fun, I didn't take a lot of pictures.
VBS took us through the third week of July.
We also did a trip to a really cool beach I'd never heard of, and a quick trip to Disneyland to renew our annual passes (and then to be blocked out because we had to downgrade. Thanks a lot, Disney!)
The final day of VBS ends with a pizza party for the volunteers, which my husband totally crashed this year. He's a nice party crasher, though. He waited for everyone else to get food before he got a plate.
The week after VBS, I tried really hard to sleep in (staying up ridiculously late always helps).
We also started swim lessons. Well, the kids did. I just sit on the bleachers and try not to smack teachers who throw my kids into the pool off of the diving board. What? That can't be right. I did briefly mention to the office staff that this was not okay. It was the second lesson (so my kids had about 60 minutes total of lessons before this) and now instead of taking home a child who was excited about learning to swim, I had a child who was nervous, scared and maybe didn't want to go back. That little punk (because it wasn't her teacher who pushed her) better not go near my child this week, or ever again. I will be talking to the girls swim teacher tomorrow before class. I paid for the kids to learn how to swim, and if they never want to dive into a pool, I don't see that as a problem. They don't have to if they aren't comfortable with it. I don't care if the swim teachers think they have to do this, they have no right to force my children to jump, and much less of a right to push my children into a pool. I am paying them, they work for me.
Between swim lessons, we also managed a trip to the OC Fair. Did you know you can get in free on Wednesdays, with a donation of a specific item? Last week was 1 new or 3 used children's books. Of course, I still spent a ridiculous amount of money on food, and I didn't even buy a funnel cake.
This week is going to be a busy one.
Lisa started Apple Camp (she is in the other room right now shooting her footage) and she will make a movie tomorrow. Today they worked on story boards & music. They saved their music to these really cool wrist band USB storage things. And, she has another cool Apple Camp tee. The sad part? We don't get to see the final movie "on the big screen" at the Apple Store on Saturday morning.
Of course, the reason we don't get to see it is we will be in San Diego, on a little family reunion trip. My sister is flying down from Far Far Away, and we're driving to SD for the weekend. Shamu, Shamu!
There will also be a trip to the zoo, and possibly a trip to a new education center in OC.
Rest is over-rated, right?